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Information Regarding PIMS

In December 2007, the Department of State (“DOS”) implemented a Petition Information Management System (“PIMS”), a process by which approved I-129 petitions requesting consular notification are sent to the DOS’ Kentucky Consular Center (“KCC”). The KCC enters data from the petition into PIMS, scans in key documents and performs some database checks. Before a consular post may grant a visa based on a petition (including visas for dependent family members), it must confirm the petition approval in PIMS.

When a consular post does not find a petition in PIMS, it must email the KCC, and the visa cannot be issued until the post verifies the petition in PIMS. (DOS states that KCC responds to posts within 48 hours and usually within hours.) As a result of this procedure, individuals may experience some delay in connection with their visa applications.

If there is an issue with an applicant’s visa application or the visa application is denied, the consular officer should provide the applicant with the decision in writing. Clients of the firm should provide our office with a copy of the notice as soon as possible along with the consular officer’s name, if possible. Our firm will contact the consulate to attempt to resolve the issue.

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